Thursday 6 December 2012

George Osborne is a cunt

Anyone who knows me at all well will know that the "C" is not one I particularly like or use with any regularity.  My inner feminist has some mixed feelings about using it in a derogatory fashion, particularly when applying it to a man.  But I believe in equality and if I can call someone a dick ...

I am becoming increasingly angry with Mr Osborne's Victorian Workhouse Governor-style attitude towards the unemployed.  I'm only surprised that he hasn't (yet) proposed they all be given a DWP 'paupers' uniform to wear as a means of legitimately being able to reduce their spending and thus their benefits.

Surely to god a Modern History course at Oxford must have covered John Maynard Keynes?  If you look after unemployment, you twat, the deficit will take care of itself.  Create jobs and you create a  level of wealth that will support the economy and ultimately bring about deficit reduction.  An economy, I might add, that you, and Dave, have fucked up even further than Gordon Brown did with your recovery-killing austerity measures (and don't think you can get away with blaming it all on the Eurozone's debt crisis either: this is mostly down to YOU!)

I'd really like to see Osborne locked into a room with Joseph Stiglitz.

Oh, and by the way Gideon (because that's your real name), it's only libel if it's not a fair comment.  I'm willing to take the chance on there not being several million people willing to support my assertion ...

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