Saturday 12 January 2013

News From The Hen House

Have I mentioned that I keep chickens?  I keep chickens.  Bantams, Partridge Pekin Bantams to be precise.

This is them when they arrived at eight weeks old last August.  Scrawny little devils.

This is them grown a bit.

From left to right we have Olga, Chicken Kiev; Amelia, Chicken Nugget; and Artichoke, Chicken Dinner.  Dinner is a Frizzle, which means the majority of his feathers curl backwards towards his head rather than lie flat as the girls' do.  He's a really rather fine chap, with a fabulous ginger ruff and green/black wing tips.

Anyway, they're even more grown up now than they were when the picture above was taken and we reached a milestone on Thursday when Olga produced her very first egg!!

It was delicious!

She's produced a second one today equally as tasty.  And Amelia, Chicken Nugget is showing signs of being ready to lay now too!

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